Enviro 300 27637 FX10DUJ has transferred to Hull
Enviro 300 27198 SL64HYK has transferred here from Hull.
Volvo B7 16907 FX53TXA is moved to reserve.
Volvo B7 16908 FX53TXB is moved here from reserve
ADL Dart 34849 is delicensed for repairs
Volvo B7 16971 PN02XBV is for disposal
Trident ALX400 18316 YN05XNG has transferred to Mansfield
Enviro 400 19127 FX07CMO has transferred here from Grimsby.
Dart 34400 and Trident 18045 have departed for scrap
Volvo B7 16906 is at Grimsby.
Volvo B7 16914 FX54AOD is delicensed for engine repairs
Enviro 300 27764 FX61HGL has moved here from Grimsby
Enviro 400 19127 FX07CMO has transferred to Lincoln
Enviro 300 27764 FX61HGL has transferred to Skegness
ADL Dart 34850 FX06AEG has been repainted into Standard livery and has lost its Into Town vinyls
ADL Dart 35150 YN56GZZ has transferred to Hull
Solo 47268 FX53AYC is moved to reserve.