E300 27880 is on loan to Skegness
ALX400 18391 was on loan here from Lincoln to cover E400MMC 10899
E300 27880 has returned off loan from Skegness
ALX400 18391 was on loan to Gainsborough to cover E400MMC 10899
Trainer Dart 34459 has been scrapped
Tridents 18047 & 19148 have moved to the reserve fleet
E300 27633 has moved to the reserve fleet
Tridents 18043 & 19318 have moved to the main fleet from reserve
Dart 35147 has moved to the main fleet from reserve
E400 19305 is delicensed and is receiving repairs
E400 19297 has received local livery
Trainer Dart 34457 is withdrawn and is being stripped for spares
Volvo B7's 16914, 17, 19 & 20 are given authority to be scrapped
Volvo B7RLE's 21212, 13 & 48 are given authority to be scrapped
Dart 34580 is given authority to be scrapped
ADL Dart 35149 is withdrawn
Volvo B7 16919 is at Hull for MOT but is withdrawn
E300 27880 has returned off loan to Gainsborough
Scania 15810 has returned here
E400 19200 is at Hull for MOT
Volvo B7RLE 21214 has returned to service
Man E300's 24192 & 94 are on loan from Hull
E400 19200 has returned to service